Eating with Braces

Try to avoid foods that are particularly hard, chewy, crunchy or sticky. These types of foods can loosen, bend or even break your brackets or appliances.

Examples of Foods to Avoid

  • Popcorn
  • Tortilla Chips, Pretzels, Cheetos
  • Hard Candies
  • Chewing Gum
  • Nuts
  • Granola Bars
  • Raw Vegetables
  • Whole Fruits such as Apples, Pears, etc.
  • Hard Tacos

Try to choose softer foods, and cut your foods into smaller pieces before eating rather than trying to bite through them. Chop whole fruits such as apples or pears into bite-sized pieces before eating, and please avoid chewing gum and chewing on ice.

After eating always check your braces for any loose or broken appliances. If you find any problems, please give our office a call so that we can make any needed adjustments.

Contact our office today to schedule your appointment!

Devin Joseph Okay, DDS, PC


850 Fifth Avenue
New York City, 




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